“June” – New Video!

3,000,000 YouTube views and almost 10,000 subscribers!

We celebrate and thank you all with the video to our original song “June

June, it has been so long …” We are really sorry that this has come true somehow and that we have kept you waiting for this one for so long. We wouldn’t have thought that this video would be one of the last ones on YouTube, nearly 2 years after the release of our debut album “When We’re Together“. But Rome wasn’t built in one day either, and we are very proud to be able to look back on two very exciting and busy years with lots of videos, live shows and finally a move to our musical home – Liverpool.

June would you come along and bring my baby home …” Enjoy some eye-pleasing pictures of Austria’s finest blooming and blossoming in contrast to the beautiful tidelands of Southport beach. You will see that our video drone had another go, this time at beautiful yellow rape and harvested wheat fields. And we added some nice visual effects to set the narrator’s scenes apart from the rest of the clip.

Now there’s only one song left on our album “When We’re Together” that doesn’t have a video yet, and that is “Nothing Is In Vain“. Keep your eyes peeled for that one. It will have be totally different from all our other music videos.

But first have a look at “June” and tell us your thoughts. And then pass it around and ’round and ’round and ’round until everyone including your granny and neighbor has seen it!

Have a lovely summer everyone,
Mona & Lisa

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Mona & Lisa