We’re Leaving for Down Under! It’s Happening!

Australia Map Down Under

First of all we want to wish everyone a Happy New Year!

Let’s hope it’ll be a good one.  For us it’s going to be really exciting – that’s for sure because WE’RE GOING TO AUSTRALIA!!! We will be on a half-year student exchange in Down Under: Adelaide / South Australia.

Our plane will leave in 3 weeks and I guess you can imagine how excited we are already to go Down Under.

We’ve been planning on that for 6 months but time went by really fast. We’re gonna live with two separate host families so it will be easier for us to improve our English and get more confident with the language. That way we wont speak German to each other all the time. English simply is the universal language and in order to write good song lyrics we need and want to be able to talk properly.
The school we’re going to attend is called “Charles Campbell Secondary School” which is offering a lot of musical and performing arts subjects. We are SO looking forward to our stay as we just love to travel and to meet new people and places.

Just so you know, we won’t be able to do any recordings while we are gone and it might be a little break regarding releases and muscial projects. But “English wise” we’ll get ready for later … We will try to post some updates from time to time though!
Let’s meet the kangaroos!

Bye bye for now,
Mona & Lisa

Today and every day we want to send a whole lot of love to all of YOU!

Love, love, love (love is all you need),
Mona and Lisa


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Mona & Lisa