The CDs Have Arrived!

MonaLisa Twins When We're Together album cover 900px

Yesss, the new CDs are here!

Today the truck arrived and a nice man unloaded a whole pallet of boxes full with copies of our new album. The packing list said: Weight 1100 pounds! Of course we immediately opened a box and proof-listened a CD. Thank God! No errors found – neither in the booklet nor on the CD itself.

We know it’s teasing to tell you but you need to wait a little more! It might help you to know that this bugs us just as much as you since we are really curious about your feedback already. But we hope that you’ll understand that we don’t want to release our first own album on the old website but on our new one which is a lot more professional too. It will have a beautiful design, lots of audios, videos and pictures and even a real professional shop with shopping cart, shipping cost calculator and several payment methods, where you can buy our CDs and downloads.

As always, whenever you work with computers, software and servers, there are lots and lots of troubles. Whenever we fix one issue there are 5 new ones popping up. Unfortunately we are no web professionals, so it’s basically all learning by doing. But we don’t give up, we want our website to work on all browsers and even Apple devices.
We are working day and night so we can release the album as soon as possible. Thanks for all the nice and encouraging letters! It seems like our fans are getting used to being patient but we promise you’ll be rewarded soon!

Much Love
Mona & Lisa

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Mona & Lisa