“Tampere Beatles Happening 2015” Video-Diary

Last week we spent a wonderful and uplifting musical weekend in Finland where we played two shows at the Tampere Beatles Happening 2015. So our today’s video is kind of a video diary of the trip, and if you want to learn more about our Finnish adventures there’s a photo story for you.

You might have noticed that we tried to upload more videos to YouTube recently to try to bring back the release schedule we had followed before we moved to Liverpool. As you can imagine, we’re having way more opportunities arising in the UK than back in Austria – that’s what we came here for after all – but on the other side it took time to groove in and establish new routines. Anyway, we are trying to get out videos out more regularly again, and that’s why we plan to release a video every second weekend from now on.

Happy Easter,
Mona & Lisa

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Mona & Lisa