Black Friday Sale, Ladies and Gentlemen!

*Puts on best TV sales person voice* … Well, hello, hello, dear readers! What do we have here? Is this another fantastical Black Friday email finding its way into your inbox? It sure is and it’s coming at you with a whopping 20% sale on our website *applause*! Click the video above to watch us, your favourite Teleshopping hosts, Mona and Lisa, tell you all about our deals and products *cheering*.Have a look in the store and enter BLACK2018 during checkout to activate your coupon! *audience faints in disbelief*

Giving Thanks …

Okay, enough of that 🙂 Hope you guys are all well and happy and that regardless of where you are on this planet today, you are having a swell Friday.

It’s Thanksgiving for all our American friends & fans and we want to send our best wishes and THANKS.

We are thankful … to sing for you, to talk to you, to send you our silly emails and to have you as part of our great online family. Thankful to everyone who listens and writes us â™¥

Thank you for being groovy,
Mona & Lisa

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Mona & Lisa