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MLT Club members can stream the entire album in the Jukebox HERE.

CD 1[wonderplugin_audio id=”425″]CD 2[wonderplugin_audio id=”426″]

About the Album

This is a double album of 28 songs with a total of nearly 90 minutes of music: A mixture of lots of Beatles and 60s covers and some MonaLisa Twins originals, too. It got recorded at the Twins’ 100th and final show of their two-year residency at Liverpool’s legendary Cavern Club on October 8, 2016.

Each CD contains a 45min set with the songs in the same order that they were performed during the live show. You will hear Mona and Lisa on vocals and guitars, Callum Williams on bass and backing vocals and Charlie Skeggs on drums.

If you are interested in seeing the live videos for each of the songs, we welcome you to join the MLT Club where every few weeks a new Cavern Club live video gets released (the first half of the first set is already available). All MLT Club members also get their purchased CDs signed by Mona and Lisa.

Find more info about the MLT Club here.

Album Name: Live at the Cavern Club
Album Type: 2 CDs – 28 Tracks (Downloads included)
Release Date: 8 November 2020

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