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Thank you for your purchase, it supports our music! Here is an additional offer! (-30%)

Set of 7 – ‘Signed Studio Scribbles’ Art Print (-30%)

Besides the “I Bought Myself A Politician” art-print we actually made “Studio Scribbles” for 6 other songs off our recent album “WHY?”.

They are all limited edition (100 copies each!) and some are closer to selling out than others. But for now, we still have some full bundles of all 7 available. 

As a Thank You for your order we created this special offer where you can “upgrade” to the full bundle for -30%, still with FREE SHIPPING.

Neither of these perks are available through our regular online shop so this offer is just for Facebook users and only available on this page.


Songs turned into “Studio Scribbles”:

  • I Bought Myself A Politician
  • Songbird
  • Make Show
  • Pretty Little Thing
  • Why?
  • Questionable
  • If You Raise Your Head