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Here is an additional offer for MLT Club members only! (-25%)

‘Live at the Cavern Club’ Poster & Button Set

To celebrate the release of the new album ‘Live at the Cavern Club’ we created this new poster and button set.

For MLT Club members only and just on this page we offer them both as a bundle for -25% as a Thank You for your purchase.

They will be added to the same package and shipped out together, and of course the poster will get signed by Mona and Lisa.

Poster: 59.4 x 84 cm / 23.39 x 33.1 in
Buttons: 3 Designs – 3.8 cm / 1.5 in 

Celebrate this release with all of us and treat yourself to some nice merch for -25%. This offer is not available in the online store and is only accessible through this page.
